Accelerated Nursing Programs - Growing Popularity - Nursing Programs Article

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Accelerated Nursing Programs - Growing Popularity - Nursing Programs Article

Nursing is a noble profession. Florence Nightingale is credited with transforming it into a profession highly respected by all and one which can be taken up by people from all walks of life. Today, it has become a much sought after profession and accelerated nursing programs are available for individuals who want to get into the field quickly and easily.

The Accelerated Program

The accelerated nursing program is a fast track Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN). The program crams what is offered in a four or five-year course into a year or eighteen months. Accelerated BSN nursing programs are very demanding and require complete dedication and concentration to be completed on time. The classes are generally held one after the other without breaks in between. This is the only way the accelerated BSN degree can be obtained within twelve to eighteen months.

To get the practical experience that is an essential part of fast track nursing programs or any nursing program, the course is generally affiliated to a few select hospitals. This enables students to have hands-on experience with patients to ensure completion of the course.

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear about an accelerated BSN program is that it might be a program that offers a degree without teaching anything of value. This view is wrong. The main point to remember is that fast track nursing programs are not open to all. Firstly, it requires a 3.0 plus GPA and those who enroll for it need to have a valid degree in hand. This degree could be anything from an engineering degree to a medical degree.

Students in accelerated nursing programs are generally more mature and come with a willingness to learn. They also come from different walks of life. Most of them enroll in the accelerated nursing degree program because of their passion for the profession. Of course, some also enroll in it because nursing is considered a well-paid profession.

Online and Scholarship Options

In the USA, the nursing profession has become so popular and is so much in demand that there are thousands of accelerated nursing schools coming up. There are also accelerated BSN online programs available.

Accelerated nursing degree programs also have scholarship options and people are sponsoring the program to make the course better and to provide more facilities to students. Other than degree programs, there are also accelerated nursing master programs available to those who already have a nursing degree.

Accelerated BSN programs and masters programs help interested people complete the course much faster than traditional courses and let them join the workforce faster. There is a growing need for healthcare professionals in the US as well as all over the world and the requirement for nurses is ever increasing. Fast track BSN programs help solve the dearth of nurses and aid in improving healthcare in general. It is safe to say that accelerated nursing programs are here to stay and will only become more popular as time passes.

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